Basic Climbing Tips / Technique
Once you've become a climber. It's important to learn good climbing technique. If you do so, you will not only improve your climbing abilities but you will also be increasing the lifespan of your climbing career. This sport is dangerous for many reasons but the strain on our bodies can often be over looked. Whether you pull a finger tendon, or take a hard whipper into the wall, you can't help but wonder; How could this have been prevented?
Using your legs:
First things first! You will hear this a lot, "Use your feet!" Many people think climbing is all about the upper body. This is a common misconception. 90% of what your doing when you climb, should be finding somewhere to place your feet so you can drive up using your legs. Know your center of gravity, and having good balance is essential! You should be shifting your body weight around the wall while using your hands to guide you.
How to place your feet:
When you place your feet on a foot-hold. you should place it slowly focusing on maximum contact with accuracy. You should only use the front tip of your climbing shoes, This will allow you to pivot easily on your front big toe.
Watch this video on Foot Swapping methods:
How to place your feet:
When you place your feet on a foot-hold. you should place it slowly focusing on maximum contact with accuracy. You should only use the front tip of your climbing shoes, This will allow you to pivot easily on your front big toe.
Watch this video on Foot Swapping methods:
Climbing with straight arms
When you think of how a monkey climbs, or how we climb on the monkey bars, you can visualize him hanging with a straight arm. The reason we try and climb with straight arms is so we can hang on our skeletal system instead of our arm muscles like when your arms are bent. Hanging with straight arms whenever possible is also a way to rest and climb more efficiently.
Warm Up:
Your first few climbs of the day are crucial to your body. Stretching beforehand and warming up, by climbing a couple of easy climbs slowly, is a great way to loosen up your muscles, increase blood-flow, and stretch your tendons. A good warm up session can prevent all sorts of injuries and therefore in the long-run, keeping your body in good shape.
Know your limits:
There is a grading scale for a reason. Learn it, and use it. It is important to find what grades of climbing suit your abilities and work your grades until they become effortless and flow smoothly. Test yourself often but be cautious when climbing past your comfort zone and know how to bail. When you try to muscle through a climb outside your abilities, that is when some of the worst accidents might occur.
Stay Nourished!
If you want enough energy to climb smoothly and effectively it is important to stay nourished and stay hydrated! Hiking and Climbing require a lot of energy. Drink lots of water, and you should NEVER climb on an empty stomach!